5th international biennial Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Meeting, Ostrava
VŠB - Technical University would like to appeal to all fans of NANOTECHNOLOGY and cordially invite you to the 5th international biennial Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Meeting (NOM2017). ...
7-9 February 2017, 7th International Scientific Forum 2017, GB
Link: http://isfoxford.com/ Aims and Scope Supporting the concept of mulitdisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdiciplinarity the meeting welcomes paper(s) in different academic disciplines. The ...
Conference Invitation, Bulgaria 2017
We have the pleasure of inviting you to participate in conferences, part of International Scientific Events 2017, to be held in Hotel "Royal Castle", Elenite on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast...
7.-13.11.2016 Týždeň vedy a techniky na TnUAD v Trenčíne
Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne Vás pozýva na zaujímavé prednášky, workshopy, dni otvorených dverí a iné aktivity v rámci Týždňa vedy a techniky na Slovensku: 8.11.2016 ...
Dni Maximiliána Hella 2016
Astronomicko-vedecký deň nielen pre študentov a pracovníkov TnUAD v Trenčíne, ale i širokú verejnosť. Kedy: 5. novembra 2016 (sobota) Kde: Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne, Študen...
Conference Re-Industrialisation of the EU 2016, Bratislava 26-28 October
Preparations for the prestigious event Re-Industrialisation of the EU 2016 are in full swing! Many prominent experts are coming to Bratislava on 26-28 October 2016. Don’t miss the chance be a...
Central European Energy Conference X
Central European Energy Conference X will be held 30the November - 2nd December 2016 during Slovakia’s EU Council Presidency and will create a prestigious international platform for open discussion on...