Informácie SAIA, n. o.

Dovoľujeme si Vás informovať, že na webovej stránke SAIA, n. o., bolo zverejnené nové číslo Bulletinu SAIA, informačného mesačníka o štúdiu v zahraničí, štipendiách a g...

20.6.2016, ERC DAY in SLOVAKIA, Bratislava

The main goal of the European Research Council (ERC)  is to encourage high quality research in Europe through competitive funding. Time: 10:00 – 12:30 Venue: Aula, Comenius University in Brati...

22-26.8.2016, Letná škola štatistických metód, Brno - ČR

Letní škola statistických metod je určena hlavně pro doktorandy a akademické pracovníky. Program letní školy vychází přímo ze zkušeností akademických pracovníků s výukou a výz...

Young Researchers Conference , Brussels

The event, which will take place on June 13th 2016 in Brussels, is organized jointly by the Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to the EU, European Commission - DG RTD, Mini...

International Scientific Events 2016, Bulgaria

Conferences in June Agriculture & Food, 4th International Conference (20-24 Jun) Read more Ecology & Safety, 25th International Conference (23-27 Jun) Read more Materials, Methods & Techno...

30.11.2016, Energy Networking4Innovation Bratislava

Find new partners for your research, innovation or business cooperation in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy Welcome to the Energy Networking4Innovation organised as an accompa...

26.-28.10.2016, Re-Industrialisation of EU (Conference & Matchmaking) Bratislava

Excellent science, research and innovation are essential for a sustainable development of the European economy. That is why hundreds of representatives from European and international resear...

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